5 Survival Lessons You Can Take Away From Star Trek Beyond

Trek Fan

Star Trek has been at the center of pop culture for decades. It started with the original series, which developed into movies with the original cast, then became “the next generation” – then it came back to its roots. We have been introduced to a new cast but with young actors taking over the roles of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the rest.

It’s in these later movies, the newest to be precise, that we see a call back to the original show, where the members of the Starship Enterprise – with a lack of 1960s special effects – had to get their hands dirty!

Survival isn’t just a laser beam away in the newest incarnation but not because it doesn’t want to be. But the crew finds itself having to use old fashion approaches – preppers, survivalist and homesteaders methods – to keep themselves alive!

After the break, check out how our heroes survived and the lesson they taught us through this latest movie!

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