5 Stupidly Easy Tips to Cool Down Your Tent

So hopefully by this point you've got your bases covered. You've selected a location for your tent in an area with some shade and have set yourself up with a ground cover as well as a tarp that will protect you from the sun. The mesh windows in your tent are allowing air to flow through, and now you're fully ready for tip #5!

5. Use battery-operated fans. Place a bowl of ice in front of it for even cooler air.
Soak a towel or bandana in ice water and wrap it around your neck or head. This will also work if you dip your hat or cap in ice water.

Use personal fans or put a misting system in your EZ shade.

A fan? Camping? Yes. And we know from experience that it works. This battery operated fan above is great for circulating air (and you can get it on Amazon here).

The problem with feeling hot is the added annoyance of stifling or stagnant air. If you have a tent with mesh windows, the is even better as you can help move hot air within the tent out.

Once your tent has cooled down to a reasonable temperature, you can zip up the mesh windows, dunk your hat or bandanna in your ice chest so it soaks up the cool water, and lay in your tent with the fan on. Try it, it's like having AC on.

And like doctors say, if you can keep your head cool, it will start to cool the rest of your body. So within a few minutes, you'll be in good shape.

Some really great ideas, right? Thanks to the folks over at The Shooters Log for putting these great tips together. We recently upgraded our tent to one with mesh windows. It might sound strange, but this detail makes a HUGE difference. Even if the air feels stale outside, you're getting airflow to the tent. If you combine this tent with the battery operated fan and bowl of ice combo, you're also helping get the warm air from the tent OUT and while cooling it down. Tested and approved!

Do You Have Tips to Cool Down Your Tent?

If you do, share them with us in the comments below! We're always looking for ways to be more prepared, to learn new tricks and to share them with you all.


  1. Paul Gailey said:

    I could forgive the lameness but for the “click next page” crap, I am blocking this entire site from my suggested posts!

  2. Vern R Chavez said:

    They forgot …. Make tent out spread off your bed at Holiday Innn…⛺️⛺️⛺️

  3. Paul Noble said:

    I live in the desert, there is no shade. Pitch tent right as sun goes down, works for me.

  4. Randall David Pickard said:

    My tents were usually a couple of tarps tied to a limb about head high with no flaps on the end and usually put together later in the day

  5. Chris Brown said:

    We can put a man on the moon, but we can’t put 5 tips on one page?

  6. James Pallasch said:

    Some of my best memories are memories of my tenting days. I must say that I feel sort of smug because I practiced all of these tips over 50 years ago. I now have a nice travel trailer but I still enjoy the chance of being with my grand son trout fishing, camping in a tent. It is true that you can take the boy out of the tent, but you can never take the tent out of the man!


