5 Reasons You Need Colloidal Silver In Your Survival Gear


Chances are, if you have colloidal silver in your first aid kit or medicine cabinet,  you firmly believe in its benefits.

While most of those who challenge its effectiveness do not challenge the baseline assumptions, they do think that there are better, more effective, modern medicine alternatives.

Below is some common uses for colloidal silver.

In emergency preparedness, Colloidal Silver has multiple uses, including:

#1: Anti-bacterial (prevention against bacteria).
Colloidal Silver has its place in the prepper's medicine cabinet for topical use as an antibacterial. Many preppers think Colloidal Silver is an antibiotic, but in reality it is an antibacterial which can help improve the effectiveness antibiotics.

What's the difference between an antibacterial and an antibiotic?
Anti-bacterials apply to the skin to prevent the growth and reproduction of disease causing microorganisms, for prevention. Whereas an antibiotic agent that kills or inhibits the growth of a microorganism applied topically or orally to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms that are already present.

Colloidal Silver kills bacteria. Colloidal Silver prevents bacteria from making energy. Colloidal silver may make antibiotics more effective. In fact, Dr. Mercola says “silver can make antibiotics up to 1,000 times more effective!”

NturaSilver Natural Mineral Supplement: NutraSilver Colloidal Silver, marketed as a natural mineral supplement, was tested in-vitro in FDA-certified independent labs showing amazing killing power against harmful pathogens. Read for yourself the report that concludes NutraSilver is extremely effective against water-born bacterial pathogens killing 99.999% of the organisms after only 30 minutes of contact time.

#2: Anti-fungal (treats athletes foot and ringworm).
An anti-fungal is a fungicide that treats and prevents mycoses, such as athlete's foot or ringworm, which reportedly Colloidal Silver effectively treats.

Colloidal Silver kills ringworm /athletes feet. Colloidal Silver is a home remedy for ringworm (Tinea capitis), which is a contagious itching skin disease that shows up in the form of small circular patches. It's caused by fungi and affects scalp and feet, most notably in the form of athlete's foot.

Here's how to use Colloidal Silver to kill Ringworm.

#3: Anti-viral.
While not considered an antibiotic, Colloidal Silver certainly helps fight infections and is an anti-viral. As a treatment effective against viruses, Colloidal Silver may help treat a number of ailments. (Antiviral drugs do not destroy their target pathogen; instead they inhibit their development.)

Colloidal Silver destroys Candida. Applied topically, silver can help relieve a vaginal yeast infection or an oral thrush. Ear infections. A few drops of colloidal silver can help clear and relieve ear infections.* (Incidentally, hydrogen peroxide will clear an ear of earwax.)

Clears bronchial passages. Diffused colloidal silver provides relief for bronchial passages.

Pandemic preparedness (Ebola). Colloidal silver is effective in your arsenal of preparedness against pandemic. Specifically colloidal silver has a documented effectiveness in Ebola preparedness, as proven by Dr. Rima Laibow. Also swine flu.

#4: Colloidal Silver Promotes skin healing.
Colloidal silver also promotes healing of other skin ailments. It has a marked effect to remove warts, which are non-cancerous skin growths caused by a viral infection on the skin.In addition to helping to heal ringworm, Colloidal Silver can get rid of warts! In a spray bottle you can use Colloidal Silver to soothe a number of skin ailments, including soothing burns, minimize scarring, relieving herpes sores, and medicating boils,

#5: Colloidal silver purifies water.
Ancient nobility used silver cups, bowl and utensils and rarely suffered the same rate of infections as the masses. Speculation is that it helped purify their water. Author Matthew Stein, who wrote, When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance and Planetary Survival, discusses various ways of disinfecting your water on his Web site.

As someone who has no opinion on the effectiveness of colloidal silver, I would generally, since its toxicity is very low, err on the side of “why not?”

A person using colloidal silver to treat a wound, however, should not be so wedded to it that they risk making themselves very sick if infection does in fact set in.

What do you think? What are your opinions on the use of colloidal silver and should it hold a place in a bug-out first aid kit or medicine cabinet? Leave a comment below.

Article Source: Happy Preppers

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