5 Reasons You Need Colloidal Silver In Your Survival Gear


Word of caution: Colloidal Silver and its medical efficacy is a subject of intense debate.

It seems you either swear by the stuff or you view it as quack medicine – there does not seem to be any middle ground.

This article is not an endorsement, but rather an attempt to present the alleged benefits of colloidal silver. FYI, the cons are that most of the traditional medical community and the US FDA view colloidal silver as worthless from a medicine standpoint.

Silver has in fact been used for centuries in the application of wound care as it does have some anti-bacterial properties.

It also has been used extensively in water purification – in fact, the International Space Station uses colloidal silver to purify its main water system (it does have a iodine water purification system as a backup.)

On the next page, we go over some of the assumed benefits of including colloidal silver in your first aid kit.


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