5 Reasons Millennials May Be in Trouble in a Serious Emergency Situation

teenager out of gas


“Teach your children well.”

It is a phrase and a song that reaches into the minds and hearts of those of us who know that we cannot rely on our own generation to maintain the world as we know it. Generation X, the Millennials and all that come after will have to take what we started with, those of us born after WW2, and run with it once the SHTF!

But are they prepared? If they are not it is up to us to share our survival knowledge, hope they are willing to take it, and encourage those millennials who understand, who have already been taught by Baby Boomers, to embolden and lead their fellow age group.

If we believe it is every man and woman for themselves when the worst happens there may not be enough of mankind left to run this world when our time has passed!

After the break check out five (5) reasons Millennials may be in serious trouble when the SHTF!

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  1. Christopher Case said:

    As a millennial I kept my parents alive when we where homeless in my youth by making the fires with sticks, making cordage for fishing and hunting with nothing but a small Swiss army pocket knife to make tools. The generation doesn’t make one vulnerable but what they don’t know. I’ve been prepping long before it was cool, but we just called it living.

  2. Kenny Durham said:

    City kids to lazy these days they be lost when communication goes down so they don’t have their phones or tablets and stuff they’ll go crazy people like us that know how to survive got it made

  3. Steven Hyde said:

    They won’t be in trouble, they will be purged!
    Less snowflakes is a good thing.

  4. Chris Bell said:

    Lol its not only kids that are fucked, everyone without dome kind of skill is fucked, that’s a good 80% of the population, young and old alike

  5. Tommy Rod said:

    Those skills (and many others) have been on the decline for multiple generations.

  6. Tye Kerce said:

    … most millennials are way more prepared then you think.
    I’m kinda wondering if this is another another group where millennials like me aren’t welcome.

  7. Tye Kerce said:

    Participation trophies were demanded by their parents not the millennials themselves.

  8. Tye Kerce said:

    Ann Bennett seems to have blocked me. Because I pointed out participation trophies were demanded by parents not the kids.

  9. Christopher Case said:

    But at that, it’s not a generational problem, it’s a societal problem. Most have forgotten how to work wood without power. I think those of us that can build without nails are less then 1% and have been for decades. Though the generations make messuring the degration of society easier, it’s not a generational problem, it’s a dependent society problem. When was the last time anyone (besides me) used a stone to make another stone into a tool to make other tools to make what they need? When was the last time anyone (besides me) have walked into the woods with nothing and built a shelter and fed themselves for prolonged periods of time? I say besides me because it’s actually what I teach to a bunch of city people (mostly 50 somethings) that want to survive with little to nothing. Sadly the 50 somethings$#%&!@*more about not having cell signal more then the 20-30 somethings believe it or not.

  10. Thomas Cook said:

    Another article to bash millennial? Maybe their parents should have invested more time into raising their children instead of just keeping them alive.

  11. Thomas Cook said:

    Another troll not knowing what she is talking about. Don’t pay no mind Tye Kerce

  12. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    They will die, sitting at the mall waiting for the pizza rhey ordered from Amazon. They’ll go to McDonald’s and fight others for the last of the stocks. Many can grow a beard, a man bun but can’t change a tire or clean a set of battery terminals. They can’t use a mechanical or p38 can opener. If the can or bottle of water is out of date “it’s spoiled and poisoned”. And one more, they can read or write in cursive…

  13. Rob Clark said:

    I don’t think it’s just that particular generation; There is a lot of folks that don’t possess the skills or knowledge to be self reliant. This LARGE group of folks scares the sh*t out me. This is the group of people that will get desperate, this is the group that WILL resort to taking what they can’t produce.

  14. Jeff D. Huddleston said:

    Maybe in big cities, but in the rural south and mid-west our kids are a lot more down to earth and prepared than “millennials” are expected to be. What’s with all the “millennial” bashing, anyway? They are just young people trying to figure life out just like all of us were.

  15. Ron Collins said:

    I grew up in the country all my life and I just recently moved to the city and I’m shocked at how little most city kids know about living off the land.

  16. Max Erceg said:

    Pretty big talk for a guy in a wheel chair. All fun and games till SHTF, then we’ll see who’s outlasting who.

  17. Chris White said:

    Yeah… we aren’t prepared… so don’t come here looking for any supplies. I hate guns too, theyre evil, so don’t think about coming here looking for those either…..

  18. Tye Kerce said:

    Generation of people born between roughly 1980 and 2000. It can vary by source.

  19. Phil McCoy said:

    I’m sadly part of the millennial generation. I’d say the amount who would fail in a SHTF situation varies by area. In larger cities more will fail then in more rural areas. Many can’t really care for their needs without internet, uber, and a sushi bar. They just think they can, then lose their$#%&!@*when the wifi goes down. Most will run for the first group to say they will care for them.

    They are partly to blame just as their parents are.

  20. Kellie Kendall said:

    Hell the older generations are not as prepared as they like to think they are

  21. Kellie Kendall said:

    Millennials have as much of a chance as the rest of us. older gens are to arrogant

  22. Phil McCoy said:

    Millennials aren’t as prepared as they think they are. Most would lose their minds once social media goes down. They can’t do, or find, anything without GPS or Google.

  23. Kellie Kendall said:

    Wth they gonna need gps or google for? They are not going to care about that$#%&!@*when it goes down believe it or not they are not the only ones who use an live by the internet Phil McCoy

  24. Stefani Salas said:

    Damn straight Tye! Most millenials I know, know more about fixing their own things, growing food, and bushcraft than gen-x. Maybe cuz we grew up on dystopian youth novels lol. But I had to teach my parents how to use a wood stove when they came back to the homestead this summer.

  25. Mike Scott said:

    “Sadly the 50 somethings$#%&!@*more about not having cell signal more then the 20-30 somethings believe it or not.”

    You lost all credibility with that one. Most 50+ could give a crap about their cell. phones. Most 20-30 believe it is an extension of themselves. They can’t live without the latest and greatest, and they can’t drive without it attached to their eyes the entire time.

    Are some 50+ers like this? Yes, of course. And are there some 20-30’s that wish they didn’t even have a phone? Yes, of course. But by and large, 30 and under is much more addicted than 50+.

  26. Anonymous said:

    Millies cant live without electricity alone. Take away electricity for a year and the herd will prob be cut in half.

  27. Angel Rodriguez said:

    Because they don’t know what to do without their phones and google answering all their questions for them.

  28. Christopher Case said:

    Yes, the 50 something do$#%&!@*more about not having cell signal. Are you gong to say you know my clients more then I do. Do you even talk to my clients. No, you aren’t on my expeditions and you don’t hear what’s said.

  29. Christopher Case said:

    I was going to explain to you why the 50 something are the ones that complain the most but then I realized it was a long explanation and you probably wouldn’t read it anyways because you’re probably a 50 something and already think you know what I’m going to say. See I can profile as well. You telling me what I experience when in the woods is like me saying Spain is better living then Italy. I don’t know if it is or isn’t. I haven’t lived in ether, just like you haven’t taken my clients out to the woods. So let me just leave you with, I work with these people and you don’t. So you can say what you want but the tick marks in my book say otherwise.

  30. John Hayden said:

    There are good Millenial’s and bad ones. As was mentioned above. Some parents still choose to teach their children the basic skills that will always serve them well. Hunting/gathering, survival without common infrastructure. The reference to a bad millennial is the self important, entitled consumers, who know nothing of how the natural world works. They can hack a server, but a DAMN bit of good that will do when there are no servers to be hacked. I bash Millenial’s on occasion, but I bash the ones who are completely helpless. The ones who feel their feelings trump all else. The ones who need safe spaces and coloring books. The ones who need prescription sedation for being offended, or called a name. These are the ones I clown because they have absolutely zero idea of the fact that the world is not a nice place. The world is rough. And parents will not be around forever to offer that shelter they emotionally rely on. Doing you aren’t one of “those” Millenial’s. Don’t sweat it. It’s not a reference to you. The fact that you don’t proves you don’t want a pay raise just because you walk in the door at work. The adult equivalent of a participation trophy. Keep your head in the right mindset and don’t let yourself become one of those ignorant, and self important types. Keep learning how to survive on your own. Keep the knowledge that you only advance through working, not a hand out.

  31. Daniel Norling said:

    When I read articles that claim 30% of college students can’t boil and egg and 60% can’t change a tire, it’s inevitable


