5 of the Best Trades Needed to Survive in a Post-Collapse World

So You Have An Amazing Job — Will Your Job TODAY Benefit You In The FUTURE Post-Collapse?

Picture this: you just dealt with a survival situation, and now you're living in your bug out cabin with your family while trying to stay afloat. You're seeking a way to make a living in a world without computers and the Internet. Whereas in the old world you were a skilled graphic designer, writer, or CPA, post-collapse you no longer have marketable skills to help you barter because the grid is down and who knows when it'll be back up.

It's true — when SHTF and the Internet are no longer available, many of us will cease to have the skillset to help us survive in a world after the collapse.

So, after an economic or societal collapse, what skills will be the most marketable?

Find out what skills and trades you should be studying now before the collapse takes place after the break. Prepare yourself so that you can survive after STHF! 

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  1. eRed said:

    They forgot sociopathic thief and BS con artist. I’ll be fine. I’m coming for all of y’alls stuff…and women. 😉

  2. Gary said:

    You forgot black smithing and tool making.

  3. Tam said:

    What about medical background? I think that would be an important attribute as well

  4. Rich said:

    If you add chemistry this describes me!

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