5 of the Best Trades Needed to Survive in a Post-Collapse World

Fresh food will be in high demand when the grid collapses, and if you can produce fresh produce, people will come to you from miles around. Learn how to grow delicious vegetables and fruit and not only will you keep your family healthy, but other people as well.


5) Fruit, Vegetable, Seed Production

Consider expanding your plot and resources so that in a post-collapse market you will be equipped to trade profitably with your fresh produce. Imagine the trading capability you will have with the folks who have stored dry goods or who have relied only on their hunting skills to put food on their tables. They will be needing fresh nutrients and fiber to keep them healthy and strong, and they will want to trade with you. Widen your own market by learning how to collect and store seeds from your produce so that you can sell and trade those precious commodities as well. Expand your possibilities. Even if you do not prefer eggplant, growing and trading those purple veggies with those who do will yield you more than if you had foregone storing those seeds.

Besides the five trades just covered, there are countless of other trades you can learn too. Envision what a post-collapse may look like and take the time to think through the professions that may be in demand. Keep in mind that urban versus rural regions of the country will cope with a post-collapse situation differently. Be prepared for what your area may be like after society's downturn and you'll survive just fine.

Learning a new trade and acquiring a new skill set will not only help you survive after SHTF but today it could become an excellent hobby and conversation starter with friends. Learn these skills now and you'll prepare yourself for when the grid collapses.

To find out more about these critical skills and trades, visit Survival Blog.


  1. eRed said:

    They forgot sociopathic thief and BS con artist. I’ll be fine. I’m coming for all of y’alls stuff…and women. 😉

  2. Gary said:

    You forgot black smithing and tool making.

  3. Tam said:

    What about medical background? I think that would be an important attribute as well

  4. Rich said:

    If you add chemistry this describes me!


