5 of the Best Trades Needed to Survive in a Post-Collapse World

So You Have An Amazing Job — Will Your Job TODAY Benefit You In The FUTURE Post-Collapse?

Picture this: you just dealt with a survival situation, and now you're living in your bug out cabin with your family while trying to stay afloat. You're seeking a way to make a living in a world without computers and the Internet. Whereas in the old world you were a skilled graphic designer, writer, or CPA, post-collapse you no longer have marketable skills to help you barter because the grid is down and who knows when it'll be back up.

It's true — when SHTF and the Internet are no longer available, many of us will cease to have the skillset to help us survive in a world after the collapse.

So, after an economic or societal collapse, what skills will be the most marketable?

Find out what skills and trades you should be studying now before the collapse takes place after the break. Prepare yourself so that you can survive after STHF! 

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  1. Cj Miller said:

    Well I’m a welder so I’m pretty sure I’m always going to be needed.

    • glenn said:

      Ah, only if you want it to work smoothly, Herk

  2. Vincent Sprinkel said:

    I’m a meat cutter. I think butchery is important along with meat prep. For storage

  3. Nick Q said:

    As a butcher i feel this skill should be in the list. Especially considering most people have no idea where thier food comes from and wouldnt be able to prosses let alone procure thier own meat when SHTF

  4. Rick Loureiro said:

    Umm …..yeah they have generator welding rigs ,with 110 outlets .
    So yep.

  5. Jeff Owens said:

    I am a hunter, gatherer, trapper, hide Tanner, herbalist, handyman, carpenter, ex-Marine Rifleman and qualified Rifle expert. I’m now accepting SHTF scenario team member reservations at 500$ a month. Message me for details…

  6. Benjamin Cook said:

    I guess medical was forgotten? Lol guess I should drop out of paramedic school

  7. Ryan Thomas Powell said:

    i would definitely throw a arborist in the mix…someone that could harvest wood for cooking building shelter and heat…there kinda of necessity’s to survive…

  8. John Orme said:

    This is a great list. Teaching myself and my kids these important skills.

    Don’t forget medical people. Problem is that “Modern Medicine” is too high tech. The machines and medications might not be available. Need low tech basics. Suturing and wound care would be invaluable skills.

  9. Larry Howerton said:

    3 out of 5. The only furniture I can build is like stick stuff. Although you can sit on it or sit a plate down. I doubt anyone would pay for it. As far as electronics, I can turn on a radio

  10. Gavin Fogg said:

    I can order pizzas like no man alive. I even have the app.

  11. Dorothy Hinds said:

    I’m a seamstress with a treadle! I don’t think my skills would be looked over!

  12. Steve Downs said:

    I lost an eye and part of my soul over there. Not to mention my Brother’s lives. I will kill them all.

  13. Sean Mel said:

    That falls under farming. All true farmers are also their own butchers

  14. Sean Mel said:

    I’m a welder and can run an arc with 2 car batteries. Not hard to find a way to charge those

  15. Mark Marshall said:

    Small farmers yes, but the big agra corporations rely on specialists these days.

  16. Mark Marshall said:

    Guys, as a veteran, I am quite certain there is a huge difference between killing for personal or national defense and murder. an’t say which is which in “the war on terror”.

  17. Cam Mourer said:

    Wellllllllll let’s start at the top I’ve been a rancher, a butcher, a logger, trapper,miner,and a carpenter. I can also hunt, fish and find food in general.

  18. Dakota Jourdan said:

    Medic here from the ‘Stan. I hope when SHTF i’m in the company of vets like yourself

  19. Rob Wells said:

    I am a chef so yah I know what is edible what it looks like where it grows and how to harvest it I I also hunt my own food at home so I can shoot dead on so I think it will I also know how to make my own knifes

  20. Ben Wheeler said:

    Nope, I’ll be a pirate and pillage those who attack me. Guile and deception are acceptable.

  21. Creed Johnson said:

    Blacksmith should’ve been on the list along with the gunsmith or carpenter. Also leather workers.

  22. Lance Heilman said:

    Well I’m a welder fabricator, trained automotive tech, military diesel mechanic, son of a carpenter, I blacksmith knives and other tools, have 10yrs of training behind a gun. Emergency first aid training And practice bushcraft ,survival skills on a regular basis. I would say I’ll be alright. I personally don’t think this is right around the corner but ya never know.

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