5 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Ants


Give them a try and see which works best for you!

While we don’t condone the idea of swallowing coffee grounds or Vaseline © we certainly feel more comfortable having them around our family than a bottle of Raid ©!

Organic Ways To Kill Ants For Good:

1. Baking soda is poisonous to ants, sprinkle it around your plants to ensure ants will stay away.

2. You can use coffee grounds, chili powder, cinnamon, peppermint or black pepper. All deter ants and if you pour coffee grounds directly on an anthill, they will eat the coffee grounds and implode.

3. Fill a spray bottle with 1 part vinegar and 1 part water and spray on plants. The acid in vinegar will kills ants.

4. Cut off the bottom of a paper cup and cut a slit up the side of the cup and coat outside with Vaseline and place around base of plant. You can also use packing tape.

5. Mix one cup of borax, two-thirds a cup sugar and one cup water. Dip cotton balls in the solution and place in areas near your anthill Ants will leave the plants alone and ingest the sweet mixture. The borax kills the ants.

We did note that some of the methods above take a little longer than others. The type of hardy ant you want to kill will make a difference. However, if you are patient those pests will soon be history!

Do you want some more ideas? Go on over to I See I Do I Make. They have more of the above, and even tackle those seductive shrubberies and plants that get attacked on an annual basis.


  1. Sharyn Fleming said:

    I tried the borax mixture and dipped cotton balls in the solution. Awesome!!!!!


