5 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Ants


When the weather gets warm ants start to show themselves. Somehow this season we’ve escaped the maddening throng of red ants, black ants, and ants with wings! But Summer isn’t over yet!

Certainly, you can have that ever present bottle of insect repellent in your garage but how many of us want to drag it in the house and spray the kitchen counters with it? We don’t want our kids or pets anywhere near the stuff. There has to be something dangerous or toxic in it if it’s killing ants, right?

On page two we have five excellent and, more important, natural methods of eliminating ants. Any number of combinations can kill ants but we thought the five below were the cleverest ideas.

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  1. Sharyn Fleming said:

    I tried the borax mixture and dipped cotton balls in the solution. Awesome!!!!!


