5 Items You’ll Wish You Had In A Survival Situation

These are not the only things you should have in your prepping collection but they certainly are the items that will be in high demand if and when the grid goes down!
Take a look and make some notes!

1. Alcohol
There are many reasons why alcohol is an excellent resource. The top two are obvious: its physical impact on us when we consume it, and its ability to disinfect wounds. Whether you’re personally into drinking alcohol or not, you’re going to regret not having enough alcohol when the SHTF. After all, think of all the people who would be willing to trade almost anything for a bottle of their favourite whisky or beer.

2. Scissors
You can have as many knives as you want, but when your last pair of scissors breaks, you’re going to be sorry. Scissors make cutting hair, nails, and a slew of other things one heck of a lot easier. While you can often substitute scissors for knives, it’s always nice to have at least one pair of scissors lying around that you can use. I personally have at least 5-6 pairs in the house at all times, as I find they’re also easy to lose.

3. Soap
Along the lines of disinfecting, you’re going to really regret not having enough soap post-crisis. Without basic sanitation, you’re going to get sick fast, and ill is something you definitely don’t want to be when medicine is in short supply and you need as much energy and strength as you can possibly have. The best tip you could possibly have in terms of soap shopping for post-crisis scenarios: try to stock up on soap that’s anti-bacterial. Think Lysol.

4. Can Openers
It’s great to have a high quality can opener, but if you lose it or break it, you’re in a lot of trouble. The majority of stockpiles will have a very large number of canned goods, and without a can opener, it’s going to be difficult to get what’s in the can out without wasting a good chunk of the insides or cutting yourself trying to get that can open. Do yourself a favour and get a backup or two, just in case.

5. Toilet Paper
There’s a reason why this one makes it onto pretty much every list like this. Yes, it’s a simple thing, and yes, of course you can live without it, but you probably really won’t want to. Do yourself a favour and make sure you’re always (and I mean always) heavily stocked up on toilet paper. You can keep a back up of tissue paper and paper towels to use when the toilet paper runs out, just remember not to use them elsewhere or that back up plan will go flying out the window.

Oh, and don’t forget the furry family members too. Bulking up on dog or cat food, wet or dry, is never a wrong move.

You might want to check out More Than Just Surviving. There are five more much in demand items to add to your pantry. Personally I’m going to start stocking up on the toilet paper, building materials and pain killers!


  1. Jonah Liu said:

    We don’t need scissors to cut hair, we can count our hair with a switch blade like off of the outsiders. Lol

  2. Sean Patrick Bautista said:

    Being that scissors don’t take much space, and I have the means to sharpen them? I will include them in my kit.

  3. Tim Mears said:

    Crayons. They work wonders for tiny candles. It’s wax so you can melt it and put it over a small wound until you can seek better medical help. *note: SMALL wounds

  4. Tim Mears said:

    Also, tampons. Tampons will be worth a lot when trading with women or if you have a woman in your group, but more importantly, they work wonders for gun shot wounds. Always had a few in my medikit in the Army.

  5. Rick Smart said:

    Get a pair of electricians sips instead. Sturdier, sharpen, more compact. Will do anything real regular scissors would do but capable of cutting wiring or even light sheet metal


