5 Items You’ll Wish You Had In A Survival Situation

As a survivalists you already have a good collection of items in your pantry and bug-out-backpack or bag. These are things you know you will need — but is it everything you'll need?

There is always a feeling at the back of your mind that you might be forgetting something. But we've come to realize that's normal.

It’s always a good idea to make a written list. The more you read the more you realize you are going to need more of one item and less of another. It is always a good idea to go back to the basics.

These are the things you know you will unquestionably need and so will others. If the situation is desperate enough bartering will become a necessity.

Go to page two and check out the top five items you should have on your prepping list!


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  1. Jonah Liu said:

    We don’t need scissors to cut hair, we can count our hair with a switch blade like off of the outsiders. Lol

  2. Sean Patrick Bautista said:

    Being that scissors don’t take much space, and I have the means to sharpen them? I will include them in my kit.

  3. Tim Mears said:

    Crayons. They work wonders for tiny candles. It’s wax so you can melt it and put it over a small wound until you can seek better medical help. *note: SMALL wounds

  4. Tim Mears said:

    Also, tampons. Tampons will be worth a lot when trading with women or if you have a woman in your group, but more importantly, they work wonders for gun shot wounds. Always had a few in my medikit in the Army.

  5. Rick Smart said:

    Get a pair of electricians sips instead. Sturdier, sharpen, more compact. Will do anything real regular scissors would do but capable of cutting wiring or even light sheet metal


