4 Reasons You Should Always Carry a Pocket Knife

pocket knife

If you are a member of the population who never leaves your home without your trusty pocketknife, kudos to you. For the rest of you, consider picking up a good knife soon and carrying it on a daily basis. Here's why:


How many times have you found yourself in a situation where something needed to be cut? This may include a package, letter, rope, or anything in between. Well the primary use of a pocket knife is to cut. Having a pocket knife on you will ensure you’re prepared for whatever situation you may face.


Hopefully you’ll never need to use your knife as a self-defense weapon, but it’s nice to have an additional form of protection on your body. You may not even have to use it. If a perpetrator comes towards you, the mere presence of a knife can be enough to deter them.

Tightening Small Screws

Unbeknownst to many, pocket knives are great for tightening small screws. Whether it’s a watch, pair of sunglasses, or some other small device, the blade of your knife is often the best solution. Having a knife on hand can save the day under certain circumstances.

Eating Food on the Go

When you’re eating food on the go, a knife can come in handy. Not only is a knife good for cutting and peeling fruit – such as apples – it’s also useful in situations where you order to-go food and the restaurant forgets to supply you with a table knife. Just give your pocket knife a good clean and you’re ready to go.

Sure, one of the uses is self-defense, but the defense of your life could happen at any time, in any location. Thinking otherwise is delusional at best. As for the other uses, how many times have you looked to others, asking if they had a knife on them when trying to open a particularly difficult package?

A good knife is worth its weight more often than not, so take your time, find one you like, and treat it like a good friend.

To read the rest of the article, or to see other good advice like this, go to American Preppers Network.


  1. Brian Moore said:

    I have never had to ask “can I borrow your knife?”. I have carried a pocket knife since I was a boy, and I don’t give a rats$#%&!@*what ANYONE thinks of it. But I can tell you this, I have been asked many, many times if I had a knife for someone else to use.


