3 Easy Weapons You Can Make At Home Today

There's something about making or building something with our own two hands that makes us feel accomplished. In school, some of our classmates dreaded wood-shop, whereas we looked forward to it. It's nice to see that over time that hasn't changed. Lucky for us there are countless articles and videos online for fun weekend projects that help to keep us busy. But in the event you're looking for something fast and easy, today's post is for you.

Survival weapons are great to have on hand and if you can remember the steps to reproduce them, you're golden. That way if something happens while you're out and you need to be creative, you can easily pull from previous items you've made and determine which weapon will suit your situation (depending on what supplies are on hand) and you'll be prepared to deal with it.

Take a look at page 2 for 3 Easy Weapons You Can Make At Home Today.


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