3 Animals That May Do More Harm Than Good if a Person Eats Them Out in the Wild


2. Squirrel

The real problem with squirrels is that their caloric return is far too low to depend on as a major food source. One squirrel is estimated to provide around 540 calories. In a survival situation, you could expect your caloric demands to skyrocket. Even if your daily caloric demand only doubled to 4,000 calories per day, that would put you at needing a hefty eight squirrels a day to break even. I’m sure this wouldn’t be a problem on day one in many areas, but how about with a family of four needing 32 squirrels a day?

A squirrel might sound like a quick and easy meal, but if you're looking to survive long term you're going to need animals of substance. Think chicken, goats, and other animals that you should consider purchasing or finding for your bug out farming location.

After the break learn about one more animal that may seem like it's a nutritious meal, but if you're in a sticky situation and you could really use some excellent nutrients, this may not be the best decision (unless you're starving, of course).

This animal was actually very surprising to me!

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  1. Ed Stone said:

    Wonder what native Americans and early settlers ate

  2. Chris Hulbert said:

    Bogus, squirrel, rabbits, deer, bass, crappie…..you can live off all of it the rest of your life….and live a long life. Who writes this garbage?

  3. Frank Viegas said:

    what about the produce and other food stuff from Mexico and other off shore places that is contaminated !!!!!!!

  4. Toney Robinson said:

    you people are so stupid you are pitiful im 74 tears old and i grew up eating rabbits-squirrels – and all kind of fish why dont you grow up

  5. Scott McIntyre said:

    In the 70s a guy lives off of field mice to prove that wolves were living on them.

  6. Thomas Carter said:

    I’m sixty two and grew up eating these blue gill and sun fish and still eat them ,along with every other species and will continue eating them the only harm IV bad is fish farts!

  7. Jeff Lindsay said:

    What the author fails to clarify is that the lack of enough fat in these animals is the culprit along with protein toxicity.


