3 Animals That Could Do More Harm Than Good if Eaten While Bugging Out



This is an odd time to be living for survivalists and preppers. All we hear from the media is how important lean meats are, that we need to stock up on bison and other low fat- high protein meats because it is better for us and, in the long run, we will be grateful for the things they do for our body and mind – etc.

Eating healthy lean meats is great but the truth is, when a chaos situation eventually happens, we will probably need fattier rations!

Times will already be lean as far as getting the sustenance we need so any extra fat we can get in our food will be a good thing!

And, of course, anyone who lives by their wits and hunts in the woods or wilderness can probably already tell you what are and are not the best animals to bag for dinner.

After the break, go over to the next page and read up on three animals that could do more harm than good if eaten when bugging-out!

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  1. Adam Campbell said:

    Not true at all. Small game is what you would live off. Snaring rodents and trapping preditors. Unless you have a homestead built already you won’t have the time resources or space to prep large game.

  2. Seth Loving said:

    And you would eventually get sick and die from it you cant live off of small game alone for 1 they dont have enough fat and it doesn’t take much to prep large game if you know what your doing

  3. Darren Ritchie said:

    I’m thinking that a lot of people are getting the wrong idea about this page. I don’t think it’s meant to be a “how to”, but more of a “hey check this out” page. The article states that a person wouldn’t want to try and live off of these animals. if you know this already then good for you, but some people may not. So instead of complaints how about throwing a like at it and move on.

  4. Randy Beeson said:

    From some of the comments, some are a little confused. We all have fats in our intestines from the many sources in our modern day eating. So eating only lean meat is fine until that residual fat is expelled. That could take a week. Then if you only eat lean cuts of meat you will get the shitz and die. There won’t be any lube (fat) to push the food through the many feet of intestines. Google protein poisoning. Modern man tends to cut away fat and roast lean cuts of meat nearly well done. It takes a while but eventually you’ll be sorry.

  5. James Stamper said:

    Leave the skin on panfish to get the most fat and nutritional value. Squirrel has plenty of fat at certain times of the year. So does rabbit, again at certain times of the year. And there are lots of other resources to gather from the woods and creeks. Tree nuts, mushrooms, crawfish, wild edibles. You don’t eat just one thing in a survival situation.

  6. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    A shell cracker is not one of them. Go elsewhere with your fake survival skills. She’ll crackers are good nutrition. Don’t embarrass yourself. There are country boys on the Internet, not just snowflakes…hehe…

  7. Cris Schlabach Wentz said:

    The folks in prison camps looked like walking skeletons when freed. They were not even reasonably healthy. Most were only months, weeks, days, from death from malnourishment. We are talking about eating enough calories to not merely survive, but to thrive and overcome. The native americans in the upper eastern US and in Canada practiced laying-down-fat in the fall when food was plentiful, as well as storing what they could. They hunted large game in the winter but if it were a very difficult year, they had to be certain to have enough calories to just be warm!

  8. Scott N Rachelle said:

    You need these animals as PART OF A COMPLETE DIET. If you eat only one thing forever you will die regardless. You need to forage other sources of food WITH these animals. That’s how you survive.

  9. Cris Schlabach Wentz said:

    Or trying to keep warm with only a fireplace. Or walking and working miles every day just to get enough food to keep body and soul talking to each other.

  10. Cris Schlabach Wentz said:

    Rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents. If their livers look clean, they are healthy enough to eat. I stand corrected about mussels. I was on my way out the door and knew if wasnt correct but didnt have time to go back! Squirrels, while rodents, live very different lives than rats or mice. If you or I were hungry enough, it wouldnt do to waste anything. I dare say we would be breaking the cooked bones to suck out the marrow as well from rabbits OR squirrels.

  11. Al Pautsch said:

    This is the dumbest fucking article I’ve read in a long time.

  12. Al Pautsch said:

    This is the dumbest fucking article I’ve read in a long time.

  13. Rick Limon said:

    It’s rabbits, squirrels, and panfish. I just saved u from flipping thru a bunch of crap. Ur welcome

  14. Jd Mandrell said:

    Article seems to make the moronic assumption that someone would eat only one of these without anything with them like foraged plants.

  15. Chris Brown said:

    I live next to a freaking grocery store and don’t eat 4000 calories a day.

  16. Jeremy Hawes said:

    Lol ignorant. What idiot came up with this . Go catch some bream …bread n fry it . Trust me that grease you fry it in has calories n fat content .

  17. Jared T. Monsman said:

    well, this was awful and inaccurate. to paraphrase- “there aren’t many calories in a single panfish, so don’t eat any of them”. But at least it wasn’t about the dakota access pipeline.

  18. Jerry Lindenburger said:

    More harm than good is a stretch…they would certainly gives extra days if things were dire.

  19. Frank Thomas said:

    Too much clicking. Should just post on first page, I for one won’t go past it.

  20. Brandon Council said:

    They won’t harm you you just have to eat other stuff with them. They don’t provide pretty much anything but protien. Whole article in two sentences.

  21. Josiah Ottem said:

    This is bs. Old folks used to eat this stuff together with green vegitables. They lived to be in their 90’s and more.

  22. Jake Hood said:

    Die hard survivor, you really need to find new writers, in a survival situation, any meat is good meat, provided it’s fresh. Instead of telling people not to eat certain animals, how about telling people how to catch enough low calorie meat to make a meal? Most of my survival experiences required me to eat low calorie meats supplemented with roots,greens, fungi,and fruit. Granted the portions were small, but I at least had a full belly when I went to bed.

  23. Frank McCarthy said:

    Do you know how easy it would be to catch 14 bluegill with a hook and a line? When I was a kid we would often catch 100 in a morning. The bite on ANYTHING

  24. John Holley said:

    People… smh, the author is talking about ONLY eating these lean meats.. not eating these with veg. And mash potatoes with biscuits.. smfh

  25. Chad Cox said:

    I agree i could feed my whole family on 2 rabbits made into stew with dehydrated veggies and broth if need be..what b.s. that article was

  26. Jeremy Breczuk said:

    Lmao. I used to laugh while catching them with nothing but the sparkle of a bare hook.

  27. Mike McCann said:

    I don’t know how the American Indian survived for 5 000 years.
    Who really needs 4000+ calories per day, no one, but professionally training athletes.
    Do some actual research, for once.

  28. Frank McCarthy said:

    And not to mention that they live in every bloody Pond in North America in huge numbers….

  29. Brent Granger said:

    Lame perspective here, notice how they’re afraid to say the body needs Fat too…

  30. James Lavallee said:

    Amen to that. Whole article is a load. You take every calorie you can get in a survival situation. No questions asked. You eat what you can get and don’t be picky, beggars can’t be choosers.


