25 Hacks You Must Know in a Survival Situation


Survival hacks are really just common sense tips for making it through, but it is amazing how many people do not know them or because they do not know them, do things that make the likelihood of survival much more dubious.

Learn these 25 really simple, but amazing survival hacks and you will find survival in a SHTF moment much easier.

Virtually everyone has some trick of the trade or hack that when employed, addresses a survival situation or at least makes it more bearable.

In some cases, knowing these hacks can save your life or prevent you from getting sick or injured.

What hacks to you know? Tell us in the comments section below.

One Comment;

  1. Paul Smith said:

    I’m not even sure that this is adequate for the most basic survivalist. Hint, any portion of this that intrigues you, follow up the research if you want to know actuality. Survival is an art and not a brochure. Good luck guys.


