25 Hacks You Must Know in a Survival Situation

The key to most survival situations or SHTF moments is using common sense.

Extraneous to that, is knowing the “tricks of the trade” or “hacks.”

No matter what the survival situation, people who know these hacks are in a much better position than those who do not.

Hacks are common sense advice and things you can do to make life easier, make survival possible and in some cases even save your life.

Survival hacks are just common sense in many cases, but some things, like filling your sinks and bathtubs as well as tubs of water before a disaster strikes are simple tips that can ensure you are adequately prepared, no matter what happens.

On the next page, we cover 25 common sense but critical survival hacks that could safe your life in a survival situation or SHTF moment.


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One Comment;

  1. Paul Smith said:

    I’m not even sure that this is adequate for the most basic survivalist. Hint, any portion of this that intrigues you, follow up the research if you want to know actuality. Survival is an art and not a brochure. Good luck guys.


