21 Off the Grid Hacks You Can’t Afford to Miss

dutch oven camp fire

We all have a lot of skills that help us get through the day. Using a computer is a skill. Cooking on the stove is a skill. Driving a car is a skill.

However, when SHTF and you have to get off the grid, you will need to learn a whole new host of skills just to survive through the year.

Living off the grid means you have to provide your own food (or have a trading relationship with others in your area who can provide food in exchange for something you provide) and clothing.

Not only that, but you'll need to be able to come up effectively with your own solutions to problems you don't have to worry about in the modern world today.

For a short list of the top 21 skills and hacks you should learn before committing to an off the grid lifestyle, head to the next page.

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