21 Off the Grid Hacks You Can’t Afford to Miss

dutch oven camp fire

Off the grid living means you have to have a whole host of unique skills to get through a hundred situations a day. Being able to make use of what you have is the basic component of all of these skills, and to get started, you should review the skills on the list below.

  1. The miracle of baking powder and baking soda
    Baking powder and baking soda work for almost everything. Use it to remove stain, eliminate odors, scrub your sink and countertops. The natural cleaning solutions are endless.
  2. Use apple cider to boost immunity
    Use apple cider as a tonic or mix it with your livestock’s food or water to boost their immunity. Read all the amazing health benfits here.
  3. Use duct tape to kill squash bugs
  4. Freeze root vegetables so they don’t get wasted
    There are many ways to preserve your excess root vegetable but freezing them is seems to be the quickest way to do it.
  5. Use black plastic sheeting to warm up the soil for planting
  6. Grow potatoes vertically if you don’t have enough space
  7. Whiskey barrels make awesome container plants
  8. Freeze eggs to keep them from rotting
  9. Old fashioned cloth diapers are a nifty alternative to buying expensive cheesecloth
  10. Use duct tape to open jars easily
  11. Use crayons as emergency survival candles
  12. In an emergency situation, set broken bones using duct tape and toilet paper
  13. Stave off frost bite with baby oil
  14. Use a dutch oven to bake without an oven
  15. Use mason jars as liquid measuring cups
  16. Use 2–liter soda bottles to store dry goods like rice and beans
  17. Use AAA batteries in place of AA batteries by simply balling up some aluminum foil to fill the gap in the battery compartment
  18. Use a tarp and a pile of lightweight branches for a makeshift raft
  19. Create a makeshift candle out of can of Crisco
  20. Snack chips make great tinder
  21. Cut a few holes in your garbage bag to make an instant rain jacket.

Again, being able to make use of what you have is the primary skill involved with all of these skills.

There is always a way to do something if you are willing to sit down and think out the problem critically. Off the grid living is becoming an increasingly popular draw for more and more Americans these days as we see what modern conveniences are doing to the people of this country.

To start out on your off the grid journey, start with the list above.

This is just a simple list of the skills you should start with. If you need more clarification on how to perform these skills properly, you can read more at Pioneer Settler.



