20 Critical Items To Form The Foundation of Your Bug-Out Bag


To some degree, what you put in your bug-out bag is personal preference, but there are some basic things you should include above and beyond what you think you might want to have.

Here are 20 basic items.

20 Must Have Bug-Out-Bag Supplies for Doomsday Preppers:

1. You will need foods that can be eaten as you walk. You need enough for three days at a minimum. Protein bars, hard chocolate, peanut butter are examples. You can also carry Meals Ready to Eat (MRE’s).

2. Water in more than one container because of the weight and if you damage a container, you will not lose all of your supply. Carry at least three days worth.

3. Carry a slim flashlight also consider infrared lenses for night use to prevent detection.

4. Fire starting tools such as magnesium sticks also waterproof matches but always have a backup fire starting method.

5. Personal hygiene items in particular body washing wipes to conserve water. Hand sanitizer and insect repellent in liquid form. Include a small container of soap for clothes laundering.

6. Multi-tool

7. Heavy bladed knife

8. Small stainless steel bowl for food preparation and for boiling water

9. Water purification tablets and/or a water filtration system

10. Two stainless steel canteens

11. First aid supplies

12. Sewing kit

13. 20-24 gauge wire

14. Assorted fishing hooks, fishing line and tackle

15. Self defense items such as mace, stun-gun and/or firearm

16. Folding walking stick(s)

17. Nylon or wool sleeping bag

18. 550 para cord/heavy twine

19. Two rain ponchos that can be used for shelter -must be large enough to cover you and your pack when carried

20. Extra socks

These basics should form the foundation for your entire survival kit or bug-out bag.

Undoubtedly, there are more items you should include, but this should get beginners started and for more experienced survivalists, it never hurts to examine what you have and what you may need.

For more information on bug-out bags and survival kits, please visit American Freedom Fighters.


