20 Critical Items To Form The Foundation of Your Bug-Out Bag

Most of us know the importance of and have in our possession a basic bug-out bag for a SHTF moment or survival situation.

Besides basic survival stuff, though, is what you have in your bug-out bag the best stuff for the situation you face? Will is suffice no matter what you have to do in order to get to a safe place?

Chances are most of it is, in our personal opinion, but we all know about opinions and what to include depends on your environment, the situation you are preparing for and what you will likely have to do to get to that safe haven.

There are some constants, however, that every bug-out bag must have in order to help you survive and even thrive, no matter the situation.

On the next page we cover 20 things that are critical you include in your bug-out bag – with all the other stuff you think might be important.


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