15 Ways to Prep When a Person Has a Low Income or is Poor

upset man

Although our worst days are behind us, we are not ashamed to say we have lived through some lean times. Often, we wondered which bill to pay, the electric or water? We even had our internet turned off more than once because our check did not go far enough in that month to get the payment in on time. So, to say we were low income and verging on the side of “poor” is no exaggeration!

However, we learned ways to cope, to earn some extra money – we even sold plasma! – and how to buy effectively from dollar stores. Owning our own land was a plus. We could use it, grow things, store items for others, dig into items in our garage we no longer needed and selling them on Craigslist …

There really are a number of things a person at their financial worst can legally do if they have to. After the break go over to the next page and read up on the fifteen (15) examples; ways the less rich among us can prep for when things really get bad – aka SHTF!

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One Comment;

  1. James Roberts said:

    I’m homeless with no income but I keep a bugout bag ready for me and my two dogs


