15 Phenomenal Uses for WD-40 That’ll Prove Useful During a Collapse

WD 40

WD-40. It's something useful that most people have in their home but they may not be utilizing it as much as they could be on a daily basis. If WD-40 is something that you don't own, then you might want to stock up because it turns out WD-40 has more than a thousand uses.

With WD-40 you can get about anything done – it's that useful. Plus, it really comes in handy when you're in a bind, like during a SHTF moment.

Using this phenomenal spray is cost efficient, easy to store, and you can also easily fit a can in your bug out bag (they come in a variety of sizes) so that you'll have access to it when SHTF. You can also add it to a car emergency kit so that you'll always have it accessible.

After the break, learn about some incredible uses for WD-40. Some may surprise you whereas others will have you thinking, “Why didn't I think of that?” Who knew such a simple household item could be so useful for survival! 

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  1. Norm Arguin Jr. said:

    Is it me?? There was only 1 maybe 2 uses to think about if the SHTF? Waterproofing your boots and the insect one

  2. David Wagner said:

    Don’t believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

  3. Billy Dolan said:

    Shits going to hit the fan if you dont get those scuffs off the floor b4 mom gets home!.or dont die durning a shtf situation from bubble gum in the hair! Use some wd…..

  4. Matt Saraceno said:

    Clinton crony, NBC analyst Andrea Mitchel:

    “the rules were set in place during secretary Clinton’s tenure and were not in place for Colin Powell, who was the first secretary to ever use email. She knew the rules and she knowingly lied multiple times. This is devastating for Clinton.” And she has not complied with the IG & FBI probes, as she promised her entire campaign.

    This is not presidential. it’s evasive, dishonest, and now guilty. #BERNIEORBUST Now more than ever…

  5. Dallas Williams said:

    Dumb, I’ll call myself a journalist and write non sense crap like this too to waste everyone else’s time

  6. James Hardwick Sr said:

    skitter critter repellent I got a flat tire on the trans Canada one night and had no off ,,,couple of sprays and I changed the tire with out one black fly or skitter ,,,so when you forget the “OFF ” reach for the WD40

  7. Barry Dugger said:

    For rusted nuts use a mix of 50% ATF and 50% acetone. Google “Hagen’s Brew”.

  8. James Aldridge said:

    You can clean with it get the grease and oil off your hands with it, if you have joints hurting and like in your 90’s rub it in and the pain will go away grampa lived to 100 it works.

  9. Rocky Craver said:

    You clearly aren’t dealing with a full deck…….go to Venezuela or north Korea see how your beloved socialism does in real life not fairy tales

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