14 Prepper Items to Stock Up On at the Goodwill Store


It's true that Goodwill stores are an excellent source to discover survival items that are on the top of the list for not a lot of people.

After all, most of us give away the stuff we don't want to Goodwill as opposed to buying supplies from them.

However, a lot of people donate all sorts of items to Goodwill and several of these items can be utilized for survival purposes and even as part of a vital survival cache.

If you visit a Goodwill store regularly you will undoubtedly find a variety of survival items at a fraction of the cost as opposed to buying them new.

Best of all, because Goodwill items are screened before they are put out for display, the wide majority of the things that are there are in good, if not fantastic condition.

To check out a list of survival items you can find and purchase at a Goodwill store if you are persistent, head to the next slide. 

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  1. Josh Sanford said:

    You shouldn’t support goodwill as it is 100% profit and gives nothing to charity. The owner is a multi billionaire

  2. Lora L Millard said:

    My daughter works at a Goodwill store. She actually gets paid quite well for a teenager. I bet some of you slamming Goodwill also shop at Walmart and make that$#%&!@*rich too.

  3. Jessica Vanderbur said:

    Not to mention they’re directly supporting foreign countries when they shop at Walmart, as opposed to reusing and recycling usable goods.

  4. Lora L Millard said:

    And Goodwill sends clothing and shoes etc to 3rd world countries when the stores get overstocked.

  5. Karle Byrd Jr said:

    Walmart sells cast iron 9″ pan for $8 now, last one I saw in good will was $25…….

  6. Michael Greubel said:

    Screw the Goodwill….man makes money off of free$#%&!@*that is donated, that’s why I take my$#%&!@*to the Christian Life Center

  7. Aaron D. Winters said:

    My girlfriend worked for them. She helped head up a program that helped get people with disabilities job skills and careers. Goodwill does a lot of good.

  8. Aaron D. Winters said:

    They also have a lot of programs that help people with disabilities get into the work force and live on their own. They do some good.

  9. Aaron D. Winters said:

    Where do you get your facts? Goodwill has programs that pay people with disabilities to get job skills and to learn to live on their own. They do more good than you think.

  10. Cassandra Wesolowski said:

    I honestly make great money for wat I do at Goodwill. But I do see were like at all companies they pay certain people less than wat they deserve. It’s life. It’s a store just like any other store little cheaper is all.

  11. Cassandra Wesolowski said:

    Goodwill does have very good disability services. People that normally wouldn’t be able to get a job are put to work at a pace that suits their needs while making money to help them selves or their families. Also have programs that help veterans. Where else can u get a wheel chair for 5 bucks or towels for a buck? My facts come straight from the company and my own eyes. Take a trip to Woodlawn in Cincinnati and tour the building u will see to the good that does come from Goodwill. Just cause ur news says stuff doesn’t make it true….used to be able to believe the news but now it’s about as reliable as Facebook news.

  12. Scott Paddock said:

    This rant written by a moron that believes every dumbass MEME he reads.

    Goodwill has no overall owner. It is a collection of locally managed regions. It has never had a “CEO”, in ANY of it’s management areas, or in it’s international incarnation, by the name claimed in that dumbass fucking meme. And Goodwill’s mission statement tells you exactly where the money goes: better living through the power of work.

    And all of you that agreed with this idiot? Yeah, you’re idiots too…….

  13. Scott Paddock said:

    So, the only worthy charity is the one who hands you cash, or pays your bills for you?

  14. Scott Paddock said:

    The “ill will” owes to a lie of a meme that folks are too stupid to research…….

  15. Scott Paddock said:

    Ha! The only thing I’ve found at SA is a couple nalgene bottles……

  16. Scott Paddock said:

    You’re not shopping enough. I have bought EVERY item in this article at Goodwill. But you have to be persistent, and shop frequently.

  17. Scott Paddock said:

    Walmart sells Chinese made junk. I have Griswold’s from goodwill that put that crap to shame……..

  18. Scott Paddock said:

    G*****n, another gullible twit that believes every meme he reads. Try fact checking it sometime, you’ll find out it’s 99% bullshit…..

  19. Scott Paddock said:

    Josh Sanford, stop believing every idiot meme that’s shoved in front of you. And stop thinking that “charity” only applies to being handed cash or getting your bills paid for you……

  20. ML Hooker said:

    So many things to amuse here. Ppl disputing the minimum wage claim without providing any data….Ppl saying they make great money but cannot even spell simple words…Ppl calling “dumbass” just because he has nothing intelligent to add to the conversation. Typical day on Facebook.

  21. Shawn Clay said:

    I love shopping at ShopGoodwill.com. They have entire pages of knives, camping gear, gun leather, backpacks, etc.

  22. Josh Sanford said:

    Why don’t you guys show facts.. goodwill pays the lowest amount possible to its employees. Goodwill is a disgrace. He owns 3 homes yet can’t give back to his employees that got him his 3 homes. He is a joke. Stop watching CNN and think for yourselves

  23. Karle Byrd Jr said:

    Scott Paddock lodge brand is made in TN, …..it’s not top tier, but it works

  24. Jeff Stith said:

    All the talk about the pros and cons of goodwill aside, this is a stupid article with nothing of value in it. Just click bait. Any time you have to click through 20 pages just to read a brief article, it’s just you get you to click on pages so they get paid by advertisers. Don’t waste your time with the article.

  25. Carol Palasack said:

    Not a fan of Goodwill. Prefer shopping at thrift stores or yard sales. They raised the prices and I can only hope the increase goes to the workers.

  26. Amanda de Oliveira said:

    My cousin is disabled and worked for goodwill. They are a joke and treated her like she was one.


