11 Obscure Survival Skills Every Person Should Consider Learning


The keys to making it through virtually any survival situation comes down to four things.

Attitude and mental toughness – suppressing panic and realistically evaluating your circumstances.

Being able to accurately assess your environment and available resources.

Possessing the innovation to know how to use the resources that are available to you.

Possessing the skills to do so.

Of those skills, some are critical to your physical health – making shelter and fire, securing water, food, etc.

Others are key to your mental health – being able to create a sense of security and mapping out a plan to get out of whatever you are facing, etc.

Together, they help formulate a winning strategy for making it through.

To learn some of the skills you need for both, check out the obscure bushcraft survival skills on the next page that you really should learn.

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  1. Steven LaRose said:

    Some good stuff… I find it funny how so many people don’t even know Basic Survival skills.. There are quite a few skills that can be learned in a very short time (10-20 minutes).. I learned a lot of what I know in my teens, some stuff from Boy Scouts and some just because I thought they were neat and wanted to see if I could do it and other stuff from my dad… I also find it funny how I have seen people go and spend hundreds of $$ on camping/survival gear and not know how to use half of it… And just because you read it in a book or saw it on You Tube doesn’t mean you know how to do it…. What I find sad is meeting people that have never been camping, fishing or even been hiking in the woods… So take some time, learn some stuff, it can be fun and just may save a life

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