11 Obscure Survival Skills Every Person Should Consider Learning


These skills are part of building your innovation and resourcefulness quotient.

They add to the skill set you already possess and increase your ability to be resourceful when the time comes that resourcefulness is not just needed, but critical.

DIY Survival Cement

You’ll never know when you need to fortify your makeshift shelter in order to withstand the elements or be able to cook inside without worrying that it’ll catch fire.

Why and Why Knot?

Why not learn more about tying different knots? Start from the most basic ones which have more than a handful of uses in a survival situation. Then slowly progress to advanced knots as you master each one.

Learn to Open a Can Without a Can Opener

Forgot or lost your can opener? Learning this skill will help you have your fill whenever you get hungry.

Learn to Cook Off the Grid

Learn to cook your food or boil your water without the use of electricity. Unless you want to eat your meat raw and your water unsterilized.

Start a Fire with Everyday Household Items

One of the best household items that can be used as fire starters is by dipping cotton balls in Vaseline. With just one strike of a flint it will most likely catch fire.

Start a Fire with a Gum Wrapper

These little fire starters are often in your pockets anyways. Refrain from throwing them away as they can still come in handy.

Start a Fire Without a Spark

You can actually start a fire without the use of a lighter, a match, a fire starter and a lighter. With the proper know-how and tools at hand, you’ll be one heck of a fire starter.

Learn Alternative Fishing Techniques

Knowing which technique to apply depending on the body of water and type of fish you wish to catch will not leave you starving for hours while waiting for a catch. Having the proper tools will surely shorten the waiting time.

Learn to Tie Different Fishing Knots

Being able to figure out the best fishing knot for your fishing line. Learn to tie a knot for fly fishing, clinch knot, Palomar knot and the loop knot just to name a few.

Learn More about the Art of Fishing

There are so many ways and tricks to catch fish. With these unique tips you’ll soon be fishing like a pro.

Make Your Own Rope

With the use of different materials such as the roots of spruce or fir trees, milk weeds, Dogsbane, maple or Cedar trees you can make your own rope by utilizing various methods.

The awesome thing about these obscure bushcraft survival skills is that they add to the arsenal you already possess – and that could be the difference between making it and becoming a statistic.

They allow you to make that critical resources assessment and use what you have how you need to use it.

To learn more about obscure bushcraft survival skills you should know, check out Survival Life.

Featured Image via Knife Path / Survival Life


  1. Steven LaRose said:

    Some good stuff… I find it funny how so many people don’t even know Basic Survival skills.. There are quite a few skills that can be learned in a very short time (10-20 minutes).. I learned a lot of what I know in my teens, some stuff from Boy Scouts and some just because I thought they were neat and wanted to see if I could do it and other stuff from my dad… I also find it funny how I have seen people go and spend hundreds of $$ on camping/survival gear and not know how to use half of it… And just because you read it in a book or saw it on You Tube doesn’t mean you know how to do it…. What I find sad is meeting people that have never been camping, fishing or even been hiking in the woods… So take some time, learn some stuff, it can be fun and just may save a life


