10 Essentials for Surviving in the Wilderness

hut in the wilderness

Bugging out is not everyone's first choice when SHTF. Most people would much rather stay at home. However, it may not be safe enough for you or your family to do so. This is why you need to pack the essentials in your bug out gear. This way you can survive days, weeks, and many even months in the wilderness if you have to.

The Ten Essential Items You Need In The Wilderness Are: 

Water bottle and water purifier
You have to be prepared to keep yourself hydrated while outdoors. Carry a water bottle full of water and additional collapsible reservoir of water. You still need to have a water filter or purifier that will help purify the water.

Navigation tools
You will need a map and compass as your navigation tools in the wilderness. Make sure that you can read the map and compass.

First aid kit
The worst would be when you have no first aid kit to help with the preventing bleeding or easing the pain. If you are going to carry the first aid kit, just make sure that the medicine is still viable and the bandages too still work.

Illumination tools
It will get dark some point in the wilderness. This calls for having illumination tools to light up your way. The common source of light would be a headlamp, flashlights and packable lanterns.

Additional clothes
The additional clothes can include jackets and hats that should help to keep you warm during the cold weather at night.

You would want to make sure that you have enough food to last you for a few days if you are going to stay for longer in the wilderness. This is great to keep you going before you can start relying on the food you get after hunting. Just make sure that the food does not need a lot of preparation.

Knives and Repair multi tool
It is not always that something will end up breaking, but having a repair multi-tool sometimes should be great to repair the component to its working status. You are likely to find the repair multi tool to have components such as blades, screwdrivers, can openers, scissors, wrenches among many others. Never forget the duct tape.

Make sure that the matches are waterproof and should also be stored in a similar waterproof container.

Sun protection
You will need protection from UV rays.  You can use  sunglasses to protect your eyes   Another way for sun protection would be using sunscreen. Choose sunscreen with at least an SPF rating of 15.

Shelter building material and tools
You would need to have a shelter  at some point. This will mean you need all the necessary shelter building tools.

All preppers know that being out in the wilderness isn't pleasant. However, it can be made even more unpleasant if you don't have all the tools and supplies you need to survive outdoors as long as possible.

You will need to stay warm, dry, have plenty to eat and be able to see when it gets dark. That is why these supplies and tools are essential to a preppers survival in the wilderness. You never know what situation these items can help you with!

To find out what other supplies you need for surviving in the wilderness, visit American Preppers Network.


