10 Essentials for Surviving in the Wilderness

hut in the wilderness

If you have to bug out into the wilderness, here are ten essentials every prepper will need to survive!

If a collapse occurs, your power may go out, there may be a flood in your home or violence may be taking place all around you. This is why bugging out and living in the wilderness may be your best option.

However, bugging out can be rough if you don't have basic supplies and tools that you need. For instance, what happens if there is no clean water where you are setting up camp? What do you do if you get a cut or other type of wound? You need to be preparing for all of these situations and more, so having the proper supplies is vital.

This way you can make the most of your current situation. The wilderness doesn't have to be so bad as long as you have the right supplies. These supplies could even save your life!

To learn what essential you need for surviving in the wilderness, please go to the next page.

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