You Just Came Across a Mountain Lion in the Wild. Now Pay Attention to What You Should Never Do…

mountain lion

You've undoubtedly read about mountain lions. They are after all one of the most feared predators in the United States, and most of this fear is caused by misunderstanding these wild creatures. Though, they certainly are dangerous enough that you should respect them.

The chances of you coming across a mountain lion are slim to none since they tend to be reclusive creatures that are fearful of humans. They rarely attack humans but never say never.

Even though being attacked by a mountain lion is rare, attacks could have been prevented by learning ahead of time what you should and should not do. Follow these rules and you'll have a better chance of surviving if you were ever to come across one of these predatory animals.

Find out what you should and more importantly shouldn't do should you ever encounter a mountain lion on the next page. 

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  1. Drew Johnson said:

    No they will be like “she is gonna wish she ate me, but nope I’m eating her, that’ll show her vegan$#%&!@*!” lmao

  2. Steve Schimmel said:

    Used to have a family of lions on my place, they were nice, I would talk to them and they never gave me a problem

  3. George Stroup said:

    Learn how to view page after page after page of commercials and never hear how to protect yourself from mountain lions


