(Video) Unbelievable Bolt Hacks That Everyone Should Learn!


Our “crazy Russian hacker” returns with some more unpretentious but really cool hacks. This time they are bolt related and quite ingenious in their simplicity!

We have always said that we loved when there is an item out there that can be used for more than one purpose.

When we get to the point where we may be out on the road, trying to get to our bug-out shelter, or hiking the wilderness in a SHTF scenario — who wants a bug-out bag filled with one-use items, right?

After the break, go to the next page and take a look as a really nifty video that will show you the many things you can do with one or a few simple bolts!

In other words, if you have a small bag of bolts in your backpack or emergency supplies, you may be sitting pretty survival wise!

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  1. Mariano Vincent de Urquiza said:

    Thee’s a problem with that hack. The heat will melt the plastic and the wheel will fly away making the lighter useless. It happened to me in the past when I used to smoke and play with lighters.

  2. Jason Lester said:

    Says right on the label do not leave lite for longer than 30 seconds. ( lighter hack )


