(Video) Unbelievable Bolt Hacks That Everyone Should Learn!


Every little thing we have will need to be used once the grid goes down. So, the more we discover, we can do with that one small item the better! Check out the “Crazy Russian Hacker” as he schools us on the various uses of bolts!

How did you like that bolt magnet? We truly enjoyed that one and the cool and convenient hanger hack.

Again, they may not seem revolutionary but, if you don’t really think about it – if you don't consider all the small things you have around your house, garage, and yard at the time the grid goes down – you may not have known or implemented the projects we were shown!

Once more, in the future, all things, large and small, can all be very beneficial!


  1. Mariano Vincent de Urquiza said:

    Thee’s a problem with that hack. The heat will melt the plastic and the wheel will fly away making the lighter useless. It happened to me in the past when I used to smoke and play with lighters.

  2. Jason Lester said:

    Says right on the label do not leave lite for longer than 30 seconds. ( lighter hack )


