(Video) Learn How to Make an Electrical Arc Furnace for Metal Melting and More

arc furnace

Preparation for a survival scenario and its aftermath, especially if you are preparing for a major survival incident requires learning the basics of a lot of different skills.

It is much more than just stockpiling 10 years worth of Ramen Noodles and hoping you do not get sick of the taste before the power comes back on.

One such skill is metal working and that involves smelting.

In a survival situation, if it is dire enough, this is a skill that would be in high demand – even if the purpose was just to melt metal and mold it into something that was more easily used in a bartering situation.

The video on the next page is A – Fascinating – The King of Random is extremely talented and his presentation is always interesting, and B – Worthwhile, because it shows how metal can be melted fairly easily form easily obtained products.

Check out the next page to see what I mean!

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