Survival Challenges Most People Have Not Thought Of. They Must Learn About Them Before it’s Too Late…

destroyed building disaster

Like it or not, no matter how well prepared we think we are to tackle an actual survival situation, the chances are better than even that we are not nearly as set as we think we are.

I am not talking about a few days without power after a snowstorm – that is an inconvenience.

I am talking about a real survival crisis – the power and most infrastructure down for the immediate foreseeable future and possibly longer.

It happened in New Orleans after Katrina. It happened in New Jersey after Sandy. In a smaller area, it happens every Spring and Summer, many times, in tornado alley. It has been happening in parts of California as their drought emergency becomes a mudslide emergency.

When a major survival crisis hits, there are things that will happen that you are not prepared to face.

On the next page, we cover a few of them.

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