Survival Challenges Most People Have Not Thought Of. They Must Learn About Them Before it’s Too Late…

destroyed building disaster

We all like to think that if push came to shove, we could handle anything a survival situation threw our way.

In reality, there is a lot most of us could not deal with and many things most of us have not considered; here are a few.

Law Enforcement Issues

No Law Enforcement

During an extreme SHTF scenario, it is very likely that law enforcement and emergency responders will be nonexistent. Even during small-scale disasters, law enforcement officers often leave to take care of their own families first. When things go bad (empty grocery stores, no utilities, mass riots, violence, etc.) you are more than likely going to have to defend yourself.

Fake Law Enforcement

In a SHTF Scenario, you need to be on the lookout for everything including people impersonating law enforcement and military personnel. During a catastrophic event, you will most likely see criminals preying on the innocent by pretending to be either police or military officers.

Law Enforcement and the Military Will Try to Take Your Guns.

Think it can’t happen? It already has! In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass ordered all local law enforcement, including the U.S. Marshalls office and the National Guard, to seize all civilian firearms.

Personal Safety Issues

Gangs & Raiders

If things go bad, there will likely be more people who mean to do you harm than there will be people who are prepared. This is something that you must accept and learn to deal with. The fact is, most people have no idea what it really takes to survive, and once their safety net is removed they will become increasingly desperate and unpredictable.

Sanitation Issues

Garbage will become a Killer.

This is a topic that’s not often discussed, but it’s one that will probably become a real problem during any long-term disaster situation. If the gangs and criminals don’t get you, the real danger might actually come from something that you already have in your home – Garbage!

Mental & Physical Health Issues

The ability to maintain a positive mental attitude during a survival situation is something that needs to be taking seriously. It’s also something that you need to start working on now, before disaster strikes.

Communication Issues

In a survival situation, knowledge is going to be a critical factor in determining the ultimate outcome of your situation. The ability to be able to predict what will happen during a survival situation is an important part of being prepared and often comes down to your ability to send and receive information.

These are just a few of the obvious challenges most of us have not prepared for in the event of a long-term survival situation.

If nothing else, it should press upon all of us that learning how to survive is not something you master one day and your learning curve ceases – it is a constant, ongoing thing and learning from each other is key to survival.

To learn more about stuff you probably have not given a lot of thought to, check out Off Grid Survival.


