Putting Together the Ideal Car Survival Kit – Here’s What’s Needed

survival bag

Our host admits it’s a backpack car kit, not something he would have if he was going on an extended hike, but he’s made interesting and clever provisions. This includes allowances for a heavy tool. All preppers should pay attention while watching this video.

We were very interested with his reason why he chose this particular backpack. The heavy duty police gear pack has many pockets and hiding places making it an ideal bug out car bag.

As always there was a knife, water-proof matches, a signal mirror and survival food. But we were especially impressed with the dental floss and tape measurer! It’s interesting the various survival methods that can be implemented with simple items!

We advise all to keep a fully-stocked emergency kit. No one knows what the future might bring!


  1. Dennis said:

    I carry a tactical field trauma kit. I have some things to it like super glue for skin, tampons and pads to help control bleeding from large wounds and other medical things. Your only limited by your imagination knowledge and skill. Practice practice practice!!!

  2. Jay Davis said:

    It was a great video with alot of useful ideas on what to carry. I would add some energy bars and a magnifying glass or reading glasses the cheap ones for old eyes

  3. JL Taylor said:

    Someone was checking out my guns once, and he said, “how much ammo do you have?” I told him, and he said, “that’s not enough, if$#%&!@*hits the fan.”

    I said, “if$#%&!@*hits the fan, it’s enough for me to get across town to the store and take whatever I need; including ammo.”

  4. Al Gibson said:

    You may want to include a printed map of the area. Can’t always count on your phone or GPS.

  5. Arctodus Simus said:

    Great comprehensive video.
    I liked the dust masks. Good for dust or smoke.

    I noticed when he was discussing the “other” items he keeps in the car, he didn’t mention having an axe in his trunk.

  6. Jim Tiedeman said:

    I’d add: water, sunscreen, solar charger and cables, mace, wipes, reading glasses, solar/crank radio, nitrile gloves, toothbrush and paste, hand sanitizer


