How to Can Food Using a Pressure Cooker in 13 Easy Steps


Canning or, as some call it: ”jarring” foods, does not have to be difficult. Yes, there is preparation but with some supplies, including a pressure cooker, and a little know-how canning can be a sincerely worthwhile endeavor!

Preppers and homesteaders already know the benefits of canning in the here and now, how it provides much-needed food during bad times like power outages, bad weather making it impossible to get to the store, and during sickness.

Then there are the benefits for events in the future. That ever present SHTF scenario looms and you will want to be well stocked in everything – including some delicious canned fruits and meats to get your family going during those frightening bug in days!

And truly, the more you do it, the easier it gets!

Go over to the next page and read up on canning with a pressure cooker. You will be glad you did!

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  1. Jay Tilman said:

    Or… save a whole lot of time and raw pack clean jars, pressure process as directed for that food/ jar size.
    Let ’em cool. Done.


