Be Prepared at All Times and Know What the Freest States Are for Off-Grid Living

off grid US map


We always hope, in one way or the other, that when the grid goes down we will be prepared. That goes without saying but we are not just speaking about bug-out bags or bug in supplies.

We want to know that the area where we live in is free enough to allow us to do what we must do to live in relative peace during a time that will be – without a doubt – incredibly difficult.

Sadly, not all areas are created equal. Is your state survival friendly?

Likewise, knowing where the current best states to live in is one thing but knowing the worst states to live in is also vital. We cannot expect the government to step in and take care of us or regulate our state when the world is in chaos!

On the next page, we’ve included the current freest states for off grid living and also the worst states to live in! This list is important. You do not want your livelihood to be impeded by the crazier laws that might actually put your family in jeopardy!

Here is hoping you are living in the best place possible when the SHTF! Go take a look!

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