6 Urban Survival Hacks That’ll Save Anyone’s Butt

DIY cordage

If you have been a prepper or survivor for any amount of time you pretty much know the ins and outs of hacking. Yet, there is always more to learn. It’s never good to just sit back and think you know it all.

Besides ourselves, we have to think of those who – unlike us – were not primed for a collapse. We can shake our heads now at their unpreparedness and, in some cases arrogance, but learning from us by example will help them and save the lives of their children. We have to always remember those who are innocents during those SHTF times.

In other words, friends and acquaintances will really require your expertise and knowledge just to live. Therefore, we need to learn all we can from videos and articles. The videos on the next page are really great back to basics examples we can all learn from. We were sincerely impressed with number six (6) because we had never thought of it before!

After the break go over to the next page and watch a few short but inspiring videos that any prepper and survivalist will want to know when the SHTF.

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