6 Urban Survival Hacks That’ll Save Anyone’s Butt

DIY cordage
The following are six (6) easy but impressive videos that will save the butt of any survivalist, practiced or new when a SHTF scenario presents itself! Number 6 can help a survivor in three ways!

1) Water Bottle Raft: If you collect enough water bottles, you can lash them all together under a tarp or garbage bag for a makeshift raft. This could come in useful for traveling downriver in a city should the streets be blocked off.

Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FKu8HWTHcw

2) One Minute Orange Lamp: If you don’t have any crayons lying around, you still have alternatives. An orange is one such example: slice the peel in half and then remove the fruit, but keep the stem in the center. Pour some olive oil into it, use the stem as a wick, and light it.
3) Soda Tab Fishing Hooks: Remove the tabs from soda cans, and then use a pair of pliers or scissors to pry them into the shape of fishing hooks. Pierce bait through the hook and attach it to a line to begin fishing.
4) Watch Compass: If you forgot your compass or don’t have one, the analog watch wrapped around your wrist will do. Tilt the hour hand towards the sun and draw a line between the 12 o’clock and the hour hand. This line is your north to south line.
5) Battery and Steele Wool Fire Starter: Bring a piece of steel wool into contact with the terminal of a battery. This will produce sparks, which you can then use to light your kindling on fire. Here are some other unusual ways to start a fire.
6) Cordage From a Two Liter Bottle: If you need some cordage but don’t have any, you can use your knife to get strong cordage from a 2-liter bottle. Use a piece of wood to hold the bottle steady as you turn it against the knife blade and slice off your cordage.

Videos are a great way of “seeing” exactly what it is a coach is trying to impart. Merely telling them how it should be done does not always work. Sometimes a person just needs to learn by visual illustration.

It is by example that many learn and we appreciate each and every one of these videos for their simple wisdom. For those who are completely out of their element, when it comes to survival, these videos are a true boon!

For additional survival hacks that'll save a person's butt, check out Urban Survival Site.


