5 Survival Preps Preppers May Have Not Considered Before, But Here’s Why They’re Important

eating utinsels plastic silverware

We all during a collapse that plenty of food and water will be the main keys to survival. However, there are some other necessities that we use on a regular basis that we will still need during an off the grid emergency. If you have overlooked these five items, you should include them as soon as possible. You'll be really glad you did!

Five Survival-Preps You May Have Never Considered Stockpiling:

1. Aluminum Foil

A few rolls of aluminum foil will serve you well in an emergency situation. You can use foil to fashion cooking utensils or to line your pots and pans before cooking so that you do not have to waste precious water while cleaning up.

There are a lot more uses for this handy stuff such as wrapping stones in foil, heating them by the campfire, then using them to heat up your blanket or sleeping bag before going to bed.

2. Disposable Eating Utensils

Unless you live near a lake or stream, chances are that water is going to be precious. Even a 55 gallon water barrel or two will only go so far and you will want to reserve that water for drinking and cooking. Paper plates and disposable utensils  are the answer and will only set you back a few dollars.

Better still, invest in a spork or a set of utensils.

3. Laundry Equipment and Supplies

You are going to need to have tools and supplies for hand washing and drying your clothes. Sure, you can wear a shirt and pants for a few days without worry but hopefully the undies and other unmentionables will be clean. And who wants to wear dirty socks?

Consider setting aside a tub or bucket and plunger o, one of these mobile washers. An old-fashioned washboard may also come in handy.

And for washing, how about a bar of Fels Naphtha washing soap? It is light weight, portable, and does not take up a lot of space.

4. Cooking Grate or Grill

Depending on your facilities and the number of mouths to feed, cooking over an open fire may be a real possibility. Even if you are using a rocket stove an open fire may still be needed for grilling freshly caught fish or game or for long term simmering if stews and chili’s made with your stored food items.

It makes sense to set aside a cooking grate with your preps. This can be a wire oven rack or re-purposed grate from a discarded barbeque.

5. Sanitation Supplies

In addition to a supply of TP, how about some old tee-shirts cut up into squares to use when nothing else is available? In addition, you will need some feminine supplies for ladies and diapers for the little ones.

If you include these five extra supplies in your bug out gear, then you can truly call yourself an excellent prepper! Have you included these supplies in your gear already or not?

Let us know how useful you think they will be!

For more information and other survival preps you may never even considered before go to Backdoor Survival.

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