5 Survival Preps Preppers May Have Not Considered Before, But Here’s Why They’re Important

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If you think you are well prepped for a SHTF emergency, you might want to make sure your supply stock has extremely useful items!

As preppers we all know that we need plenty of cans of food, water, and cooking supplies that don't require electricity.

However, as prepared as we think we are, every great prepper knows that sometimes there are many helpful supplies and tools we didn't even consider that would be very handy to have when a collapse comes.

For instance, what will you do to keep your clothes clean or what happens if you have a baby that isn't potty trained yet?

These are circumstances that may seem minor but when the SHTF these situations will be very real and you'll be glad that you thought to prepare for them!

These Five Survival preps will make you and everyone else more comfort when you need to live off the land!

To find out what five useful survival preps you might have overlooked and why you need them, please head over to the next page where you will learn what you need to pack! 

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