5 Easy Ways to be Successful When Bugging-Out “On Foot” When SHTF

three people wearing backpacks

We would love to believe when the SHTF everything will run smoothly. We can picture ourselves jumping into our car and driving on over to our bug-out camp and life will be tense but grand!

However, being fairly intelligent preppers we know the world outside will be in chaos. Initially, it may not be so bad but eventually, there is going to be a lot of walking in our future and if we’re not prepared, we will not make it to our destination and beyond!

Simple things like over-packing a bug-out bag can be our downfall. Yes, you want to have everything life-sustaining with you but what good is it if the bag weighs you down and you are unable to get to where you are going?

After the break, go over to the next page and check out five easy ways to be successful when bugging-out on foot!

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