5 Easy Ways to be Successful When Bugging-Out “On Foot” When SHTF

three people wearing backpacks

The following tips seem simple but it might surprise one and all to know that many of the serious suggestions below are not utilized by preppers and survivalists. You can have a bug-out bag filled with all the right stuff but if you ae physically unable to carry it, you are in some grave trouble!

1. Proper Footwear:
Wearing the right shoes or boots during your hike is a must. Something as simple as a blister will not only impede your mission but could complicate matters if it becomes infected. During an emergency scenario, where antibiotics will be scarce, we need to instill as many preventative measures as possible.

2. Physical Fitness Level:
Unfortunately, this may be the biggest aspect of preparedness that most preppers overlook. They feel that collecting gear and having survival skills is more than enough to be READY when SHTF. Well… If the only option in your preparedness plan consists of bugging-in, and all goes perfectly for you, then you may be OK. But for those like me, that include planning for being mobile and even on foot, we need to train and train often.

3. Wear Proper Clothing:
Failing to address your clothing needs will certainly contribute to you falling out of the hike. In the colder months, hypothermia is the obstacle that we have to deal with. When it comes to the warmer months, sunburn and heat exhaustion can contribute to our failure of the mission. One way to address both of these issues is with proper clothing.

4. Pack Light:
I always stress to my NTC Members that the more skills they possess, the less gear that they need to bring along in a SHTF situation. The heavier your pack, the easier it will be for you to fall out of the hike. When your pack is light, you are more mobile and can also cover much more ground enabling you to hike for longer distances.

5. Mental Fortitude:
If you believe that you cannot accomplish the mission… You probably won’t. Positive thinking will go a long way in helping you ride out any emergency situation. Staying motivated is crucial for your survival but it also impacts your group.

Initially, we had placed “pack light” as our final choice just to drive hope how important it is to be prepared yet think sensibly. However, while pondering the list we felt a survivor’s motivation and the right frame of mind is truly vital, probably the most important aspect of bugging out. Let’s be honest, you are not going to get far if your mind is not where it needs to be.

There are more ways to be successful when bugging-out and you can find them on Survival Life! Stay encouraged!


