11 of the Most Intelligent Animals on Earth Are Shocking. I Still Can’t Believe #11!


Prepping for any emergency or disruptive event is, as any prepper knows, about much more than just making sure you have enough supplies and know enough skills. It is also knowing about how best to interact with the animals that have already been living off the land. You should know which ones are safe for you to be around and which ones to avoid entirely. It may just save your life!

Eleven Of The Most Intelligent Animals You Should Know About Include: 

1. Spiders

Spiders are among the smallest creatures to possess a proportionately high level of intelligence. Especially the White-Mustached Portia spiders. These spiders dwell African; Asian; and Australian forests and have demonstrated special learning skills.

2. Ants

Though they are small, they have the ability to creatively withstand calamities that would wipe another species. Ants are often seen coordinating in massive groups to build nests and hunt for food; and they accommodate to their environment very well.

3. Pigeons

There’s a reason why pigeons have been used numerous times throughout history on places like battle fields . They are extremely good at Geo location and studies have shown that they have an amazing ability to remember people and places throughout the course of their life.

4. Crows

Along with pigeons, crows are among the most intelligent birds in the world. They have the ability to solve complicated problems and adapt to tough situations which can easilybe seen in the way they gather their food and collect resources.

5. Raccoons

Known for being resourceful; raccoons are capable of forming complex social relationships and also make use of complex tools when problem solving.

6. Horses

Horses have always held a special meaning to humans, apart from the fact that they are very rideable and get us places they are also teachable, have good memories, and are able to respond to complicated commands quickly under stress.

7. Falcons

Extremely adept hunters falcons have always been used in the same way as pigeons, to convey messages and do reconnaissance. Their ability to follow commands and remember territory is formidable.

8. Rats

Once could easily underestimate the mental capacity of a rat. While they can be revolting sewer dwellers that Hollywood has made them out to be, they are also quite smart. They have very good long term memories and are excellent when it comes to adapting to changing situations.

9. Owls

Even during the time of the ancient Greeks, owls were already seen as intelligent animals. While this may appear to be true due to pre conceived notions about their “wisdom” this is the “burst your bubble” list item. That’s right, they are actually not that smart compared to other birds.

10. Squirrels

Squirrels may be small, but their brains should not underrated. Yes, we know what your thinking; every time you almost hit one with your car is because they can’t seem to figure out how to get out of your way, how can they be smart? Well, their intelligence is very focused on one thing; gathering food.

11. Pigs

According to research, a middle aged pig can be as smart as a three year old human being and they know how to adapt to complex environmental situations because they have the ability to learn new skills easily.

Many of these animals are far more intelligent than they may seem. This is why in addition to prepping food and supplies we should learn as much about these animals as possible. It may just be one of the most important things we can learn as preppers. We don't want to find ourselves in a fight with one of these animals when SHTF!

To find out more about intelligent animals you may encounter when living off the land, please visit List 25.


  1. Sue Simpson Nolan said:

    I can’t believe you all do not know that Corvids are smarter than most all other birds. I’ll put parrots in their class and toucans, but Corvidae rocks the smart world.

  2. Steve Sanger said:

    I heard Hillary supporters missed making the cut by quite a shocking margin.

  3. Brent Green said:

    Only a stupid person and angry patriot idiot would think this and then be dumb enough to post it on an animal intelligence post where intelligent people could view it.Quit embarrassing yourself

  4. Steve Sanger said:

    Brent Green you are talking to the folks who posted this, right, lol


