11 of the Most Intelligent Animals on Earth Are Shocking. I Still Can’t Believe #11!


If you have to live off the land during a collapse, here are eleven of the most intelligent animals every prepper should know about!

When SHTF, you may be forced to leave your home and go somewhere else to avoid dangerous situations. You may even have to live outdoors and off the land for quite a while.

During these situations, it is not only important to make sure you have supplies in your bug out gear, you should also know what you could be faced with.

This means knowing what animals, insects and other creatures, you find yourself living next to. If you know as much about them as possible, you can be better prepared for how they may react to you and what they might do.

Knowing which animals to avoid completely and which probably won't do you any harm, may be crucial to your survival if you have to live off the grid and rely on the land for a long time!

To learn more about 11 of the most intelligent animals you may come across during a collapse, head over to the next page.

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  1. Sue Simpson Nolan said:

    I can’t believe you all do not know that Corvids are smarter than most all other birds. I’ll put parrots in their class and toucans, but Corvidae rocks the smart world.

  2. Steve Sanger said:

    I heard Hillary supporters missed making the cut by quite a shocking margin.

  3. Brent Green said:

    Only a stupid person and angry patriot idiot would think this and then be dumb enough to post it on an animal intelligence post where intelligent people could view it.Quit embarrassing yourself

  4. Steve Sanger said:

    Brent Green you are talking to the folks who posted this, right, lol


