You’re Living Off the Grid When a Brown Recluse Spider Bites You. Here’s How You Should Effectively Treat It.

brown recluse spider

Many survivalists and people alike fear spiders for a reason. It likely has to do with their long legs, eyes, and not to mention the details webs they construct with ease to catch their prey.

If you were to ask a prepper why he doesn't like spiders, most survivalists would let you know it's because they don't want to get bit! Even though most spiders won't harm you — the bite from a spider itches like a mosquito bite — there are still the occasional spiders that can cause you a lot of injuries.

Keep in mind for every spider that won't cause you harm; there are still quite a few that will cause a lot of discomfort. You may have heard of the brown recluse spider, which is one such spider that can make even the courageous of survivalists squirm when they hear this spider's name.

Why? If a survivalist got bit by a recluse spider, they would need medical attention. However, if you're a prepper who bugs out a lot, and you're living off the grid that may not be possible. What are you supposed to do at that point if there's no emergency care available?

After the break, learn about the steps you should take if you're living off the grid and get bit by a recluse spider. If there isn't emergency help, nearby it's up to you to know the proper course of treatment. 

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  1. Brad Kidd said:

    Same, 3 years later looks like I took a 10mm to the thigh

  2. Mark McIntire said:

    Ichthammol ointment you can get it at CVS it will draw just about anything out

  3. Kurt Tate said:

    My daughter was bit on the knee a couple years ago. Although it wasn’t positively identified it was agreed that it was a brown recluse. She didn’t experience much pain. Some swelling and a quarter size hole in the bite area. In fact a couple of days went by before we took her to the Dr.
    I think a Black Widow bite is much worse and painful. If it was a Brown Recluse that she was bit by I wouldn’t worry about it just let it take it course. Unless there is an anaphylactic reaction.

  4. Sheri Ilick Hennig said:

    What about a mud paste? Oatmeal paste? ichthammol? Triple antibiotic ointment?

    Comfrey poultice with Mullein wrap. Echinacea was also in the mix? Over twenty years ago I was told this one. May not be totally correct.

    Clean, draw, disinfect was what I was told.

  5. Baron Samedi said:

    I wrapped the bite area in gauze, soaked it with rubbing alcohol, then wrapped it with Saran wrap. Changed it out every three days. No doc needed, one little dot of a scar.

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