You’re Bugging Out When Suddenly You Get Very Lost. Try These Steps to Get Un-Lost!

lost wilderness man

Anyone who spends time in the wilderness runs a risk of getting lost – no matter how experienced you are.

Recently, in Maine, the skeletal remains of a very experienced hiker was found less than 3,000 yards off the Appalachian Trail.

She wondered off the trail, got lost, made a series of understandable, but wrong decisions and ended up dying within a day's hike of safety.

This scenario plays out almost everyday somewhere in North America, although the outcome is usually less horrific.

If you do get lost, however, there are certain steps you can take to either get yourself un-lost or get yourself to civilization.

Each of them are more common sense than anything and there is no substitute for being prepared for getting lost, but if you do find yourself in that scenario, the tips on the next page will help you get found.

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