You’re Bugging Out When a Brown Recluse Spider Bites You. Learn How to Treat it by Yourself Before it’s Too Late.

brown recluse spider

There's a reason why people all around the world fear spiders. There's no doubt that those legs, eyes, and detailed webs have to do with the fear factor. If you were to ask a prepper why they fear spiders so much, they'd probably tell you it's because they don't want to get bit, in particular by a venomous one.

Even though spiders can bite you doesn't mean every bite is harmful. In fact, if you've even been bitten by a spider then you know it's only as painful as a mosquito bite and that it also can get annoying and itchy.

Even though the majority of spiders won't harm you, there are still quite a few that will. These are the types of creepy crawlers that will make even the strongest of survivalists squirm when the topic is brought up. A brown recluse spider is one such spider, and if you were to get bit by one of these spiders, you would need to head to the hospital.

However, have you thought about what would happen if you were bugging out and there wasn't a hospital near by?

On the next page find out what you must do if you're bugging out and get bit by a brown recluse. If you don't have access to a hospital, don't panic, memorize these survival tips now so that you'll be prepared later. 

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  1. Kevin Urbanczyk said:

    lol — been there, done that — 1 month of constant infection and a left leg that still has issues after 2 yrs .. it aint fun at all.

  2. Fredrick Wise said:

    Been bit more than 5 times by the little Vickers building good amenity to them

  3. Darrel Knies said:

    Had one bite me on the left hand one time when I was about 14. Felt at first like a sting and then an initial numbness. This was followed a day later by great pain, swelling past my elbow, water blisters on my entire hand and wrist and up my forearm and intense burning pain… Last for well over a week with treatment. Still have the scare from the bite… Not a fun thing to experience. SOME CLAIM IT CAUSED ME BRAIN INJURY!

  4. Jeff Stoops said:

    In Sicily where I was stationed, over the 10 years I know of 2. A woman who died, they amputated her hand, then at the elbow then shoulder. Should have went for the shoulder first.
    A guy in my shop, was diving for a softball and got bit in the thigh. They took a plug out about 2in deep about 2 in dia. It looked NASTY from the first min. They took the plug out of him in the first hour. Never heard of an immunity. That is a GOOD thing.

  5. Jr Odom said:

    Most of the time you don’t know you have been bitten until it turns reb of yellow.

  6. Jerry Hamon said:

    Fiddle back and brown recluse are not the same. No violin on a brown recluse. Just an odd opaque brown color.


