You Just Encountered a Mountain Lion. Here’s What You Should NEVER Do…

resting mountain lion

Cougars love a good chase, so the last thing you want to do if you see one is run away. Though it may be challenging given your sudden anxiety, look the cougar straight in the eyes, appear larger, and never turn your back to a lion or run away. You'll be inviting them to chase you, and that's a very bad idea.

leaping mountain lion

via Most_Wanted/Flickr

Surviving Close Encounters
Do not run away. This may trigger an attack.
Never turn your back to a lion.
Maintain constant eye contact.
Make loud noises, yell, wave your arms.
Make yourself look bigger with your clothing or other objects.

After the break, learn how to handle a mountain lion attack and actually survive. If you follow the advice above you shouldn't have to worry about being attacked, but it's always a good idea to be prepared. 

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  1. Mark Eakins said:

    Wait… how the hell am I supposed to get a selfie with these things if I follow these rules?!

  2. Larry Gault said:

    It’s even more simple that that. All animals will telegraph before an attack. When receiving a cablegram from anything armed with tremendous strength, razor sharp claws and powerful jaws full of jagged teeth, it is time to practice the Three S’s. Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up.

  3. Larry Gault said:

    Dan Heino You mean you go ANYWHERE without a handgun?!? I don’t.

  4. Cory Collins said:

    i dont even think my house cat is harmless…..that$#%&!@*literally claws me in my sleep and it’s became a bit of a problem.

  5. Joe Fox said:

    “Mountain lions may seem harmless” said no one ever.

  6. Jon Wright said:

    Mountain lions will stalk you and wait until you are vulnerable. They are no where near “harmless” .

  7. Bob Hostetter said:

    Linda Lou….I have no doubts there are big cats around here ….places like this is where ya watch for them

  8. Walt Robbins said:

    Certain animals come with certain precautions. If you can’t figure it out then it’s time to thin the herd

  9. Missy McKinney said:

    Not harmless…when I lived in Colorado, many young kids were killed hiking with their parents…they all ran ahead…so sad..

  10. Dylan Fortini said:

    Why the hell would you put a break in an article? This isn’t tv. Seeing those words on that page annoyed me so much I’m unfollowing.


